At last。
wait till the midnight hour
?I love you。?
The voice was unmistakably Nate?s and the words were clear as day to her even over the cries of
a gyrating hippie townie chick flailing her arms to ?Hey Ya? as she smacked Serena in the face
with her long; essential…oil…scented dreadlocks。
He loved Blair。
Serena never would have guessed Nate Archibald was so in touch with his emotions; but she
knew it was true?he did love Blair。 She?d seen the meaningful looks Nate and Blair had been
trading ever since their daring breakout from Bailey Winter?s pound。 And then yesterday; the
way Blair had wedged her way in between them when they went to bed had been soobvious。
Serena felt a sinking feeling in her stomach; like when the road falls out from underneath the car
more quickly than you?re prepared for: it washer birthday?almost; anyway?and it washer party?
technically; anyway。 She was the one who deserved a little love and affection; wasn?t she?
She hesitated。 Perched between the delicately wall…papered wall and a massive grandfather clock;
she had the perfect cover to do a little observing。
Like; spying?
She peered out around the clock and up at Nate and Blair on the stairs; making wordless and
intense eye contact。 Then Blair twined her fingers through Nate?s and the two of them disappeared
up the stairs; taking a left at the landing。 They were heading to her parents? master suite。 Serena
closed her eyes; fighting her way through the crowd to the bar。 There was always whiskey; and
Henry; and cigars。 Not necessarily in that order。
?There you are。? Serena stumbled a little but kept a tight grip on the crystal tumbler she?d
filled?again?from the bottle of her father?s Oban whiskey she?d hid from the rest of the revelers。
It was her birthday and her house?why not save the good stuff for herself?
?Serena。? Henry?s familiar voice split the night。 It felt like a hug just knowing he was nearby。 He
was so handsome; and he probably still loved her。。。。
And maybe she was just alittle drunk?
Someone had managed to get the van der Woodsens? back garden fire pit going; and Henry and
three guys Serena didn?t recognize were huddled around it; warming themselves against the
surprisingly brisk summer evening。 Except for the flickering flames and the stars high overhead;
the night was dark。 It was a forting; familiar kind of darkness。 Serena had spent so many
summer nights here; like the night she ditched Henry。
?I?ve been looking for you。? Serena settled down next to him on one of the low stone benches
that encircled the fire pit。 She was wearing an ancient pair of Seven cutoffs and he was still in his
swim trunks。Their bare knees were almost touching。
?Well; you found me。? He used the tiny stub of the cigarette he was smoking to ignite a new one。
学妹,我要和你共白头 超级控卫 红颜非祸水:宁负天下不负卿 狼孩 我的影子是食神 报告王爷将军:王妃不见了 满级悟性:从光明顶开始横推诸天 伐神记 易印 妖孽重生 鸾凤璇玑(女尊) 掌欲乾坤 超完美执行长 人在高武,开启互联网时代 秦时公孙玲珑名家篇 魔法科黎 感情密码 皇帝哥哥只娶你 苦水河传说 本宫不在线