


e he had established it。 We have evidence that after a while he simply could not fall asleep until he had done his 15 minutes of reading。

In his lifetime; Osler read a significant library of books。 Just do a mental calculation for half a century of 15…minute reading periods daily and see how many books you get。 Consider what a range of interests and variety of subjects are possible in one lifetime。 Osler read widely outside of his medical specialty。 Indeed; he developed from this 15…minute reading habit an avocational specialty to balance his vocational specialization。 Among scholars in English literature; Osler is known as an authority on Sir Thomas Browne; seventeenth century English prose master and Osler’s library on Sir Thomas is considered one of the best anywhere。 A great many more things could be said about Osler’s contribution to medical research; to the reform of medical teaching; to the introduction of modern clinical methods。 But the important point for us here is that he answered supremely well for himself the question all of us who live a busy life must answer: How can I find time to read?


The answer may not be the last 15 minutes before I go to sleep。 It may be 15 minutes a day at some other time。 In the busiest of calendars there is probably more than one 15…minute period tucked away somewhere still unassigned。 I’ve seen some curious solutidns to the problem of finding time for reading。

During army days in the last year of the war; I discovered a Pfc。 in my squadron who seemed unusually well read。 I found in his 201 file a remarkable civilian and military biography。 His four years of service included two overseas; all meritorious but without heroics。 Had all of his remendations4 for promotion gone through he would have had not only his mission; but probably the rank of captain。 But here he was; still a private first…class—because despite the military emphasis on education; efficiency; loyalty; and all other criteria for determining promotion; accident plays a most important part。 Every time this Pfc。 had been remended for promotion; except once; he had been transferred or e up against tablel of organization limitatious; or a new change in regulations; or a superior officer who had filled out the forms incorrectly or forgotten them in his third right…hand drawer。 And so he had remained a Pfc; and had taken his reward in reading。 The amount he did in the army was prodigious。

I was curious about his method。 And one day; before I asked him。 I found a partial answer。 Every day the enlisted men put in an hour of drill and formations。 During that time at least one fairly long period of rest was called。 Imagine my surprise on my first visit to the drill field when; at the mand “rest!” I saw one man in the whole long line pull out a paper pocket book and begin to read; standing up。

When I talked with him; I found that from boyhood he had developed the habit of carrying a little book in his pocket from which he read every minute he was not doing something else。 He found a book especially useful and relaxing during the periods of waiting which all of us experience daily—waiting for meals; buses; doctors; hair cuts; telephone calls; dates; performances to begin; or something to happen。 There were his 15 minutes a day; or more。 There were his 20 books a year—1;000 in a lifetime。

No universal formula can be prescribed。 Each of us must find our own 15…minute period each day。 It is better if it is regular。 Then all additional spare minutes are so many bonuses。 And; believe me; the opportunity for reading…bonuses are many and unexpected。 Last night an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge。 I had the kind of paper book at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy。

The only requirement is the will to read。 With it you can find the 15 minutes no matter how busy the day。 And you must have the book at hand。 Not even seconds of your 15 minutes must be wasted starting to read。 Set that book out in advance。 Put it into your pocket when you dress。 Put another book beside your bed。 Place one in your bathroom。 Keep one near your dining table。

You can’t escape reading l5 minutes a day; and that means you will read half a book a week; 2 books a month; 20 a year; and 1;000 or more in a reading lifetime。 It’s an easy way to bee well read。


艾伦·A。 米尔恩





Golden Fruit

A。 A。 Milne

Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange。 In the first place it is a perennial1—if not in actual fact; at least in the greengrocer’s shop。 On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger; when macédome de fruits is the title bestowed2 on two prunes and a piece of rhubarb; then the orange; however sour; es nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberrles and raspberries and gooseberries riot together upon the table; the orange; sweeter than ever; is still there to hold its own。 Bread and butter; beef and mutton; eggs and bacon3; are not more necessary to an ordered existence than the orange。

It is well that the monest fruit should be also the best。 Of the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak。 It has properties of health giving; as it cures influenza and establishes the plexion。 It is clean; for whoever handles it on its way to your table but handles its outer covering; its top coat; which is left in the hall。 It is round; and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball。 The pips can be flicked at your enemies; and quite a small piece of peel4 makes a slide for an old gentleman。

But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste。 I dare not let myself go upon this subject。 I am a slave to its sweetness。 I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom; the promise of so much golden fruit out short。 However; the world must go on。

Yet with the orange we do live year in and year out。 That speaks well for the orange。 The fact is that there is an hontesty about the orange which appeals to all of us。 If it is going to be bad—for the best of ills are bad sometimes—it begins to be bad from the outside; not from the inside。 How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core。 How many an innocent…looking apple; is harboring a worm in the bud。 But the orange has no secret faults。 Its outside is a mirror of its inside; and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips5 it into the bag。


玄魔长生录  跑去对家做卧底靠吃瓜爆红  罗布人圣地探险记:大昆仑之新疆秘符2  像少年啦飞驰  重生之夏日倾情  罪恶医界  绝杀黑天鹅  读懂红楼,复兴文化  儿子与情人 完结版  (排球少年同人)关于暗恋这件事  萨古情劫  野罂  剩妻吃嫩夫  空棺记  [综武侠]绑定登基系统后  药香娘子:夫君,别动  远古那些事儿  穿越之怪才妖女  周瑜  [HP]无法停止  


















